Bioplastic, Partnership, R&D, Video

Dyson explores biopolymer use

Like other premium brands (and Dyson products are definitely expensive), British vacuum manufacturer Dyson is exploring the use of biopolymers for their products and they seem to be enthusiastic about it (see the video below).

Dyson has been working with the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing, and the Centre for Process Innovation under a UK-funded project by the Technology Strategy Board. The work carried out will assess the high level economic and technical feasibility of using biopolymers in a closed loop process, which may ultimately improve the ability to recycle consumer products.

According to Dyson, biopolymers have the potential to be reused infinitely leading to less use of materials. Other appealing traits of biopolymers include transparency, surface gloss, high rigidity and flexibility of processing.

However, the researchers and developers agree that it will still take a number of years and a concerted effort to reach the full potential of biopolymers for their use.


About Doris de Guzman

Doris de Guzman examines alternative processing, new technology, R&D and other sustainability initiatives aimed at preventing pollution and lowering carbon emissions through news aggregation, market data analysis and information collaboration.


One Response to “Dyson explores biopolymer use”

  1. Hi Doris, thanks for sharing this video. I would be curious to know what about biopolymers (either PLA or others) makes them better for re-use after recycling? This is not one of the bio benefits that I’m used to hearing about. Thanks!

    Posted by Jerry Jeff | March 21, 2014, 11:21 am

