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    Segetis starts levulinic acid pilot production


    Update 10/12/13: Avantium said the company’s YXY technology platform now also included methyl levulinate (ML), an intermediate that can be further converted into levulinic acid . ML can reportedly be produced cost-effectively in tunable volumes ranging from kilotons to around 10,000…

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    Beta Renewables starts cellulosic ethanol facility


    The momentum for commercial cellulosic ethanol facility start-ups is going strong and this one from Beta Renewables is considered a big one as the company opened its 25m gal/year (75m liters/year) cellulosic ethanol facility in Crescentino, Italy. The facility is…

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    Butamax begins bio-butanol retrofit in Minnesota


    Bio-butanol technology company Butamax™ Advanced Biofuels LLC and ethanol producer Highwater Ethanol LLC have begun to retrofit Highwater’s ethanol plant in Lamberton, Minnesota for the production of bio-butanol. Butamax’s technology package will include the installation of novel corn oil separation technology. Butamax…

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    INVISTA, Ingenza on industrial biotech collaboration


    INVISTA is collaborating with UK-based industrial biotechnology firm Ingenza for the development of new technologies to enable bio-derived processes for the production of industrial chemicals. The collaboration will leverage INVISTA’s capabilities in biotechnology and catalysis, and knowledge of the chemicals industry,…

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    Proterro’s sugar ready for pilot scale


    Updated 10/2/2013: Proterro emailed the blog for several corrections. Sugar developer Proterro is in the process of commissioning a pilot plant in Florida, and has also already completed a preliminary design, layout and associated cost estimate for a demonstration-scale plant….

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    Novomer to produce CO2-based acrylic acid


    Novomer said it has received a $5m grant from the US Department of Energy (DoE) announced in March as part of the Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative (CEMI). Novomer’s project is in partnership with one of the world’s largest producers of industrial…

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    Gevo opens bio-PX demo facility


    I am still working on my presentation for the ICIS World Chemical Purchasing Summit and the deadline is this Friday (yikes!). Goodluck to me! Meanwhile, the blog still has a lot of catching-up to do with several news from the…

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