Press Release, Products

Biodegradable silk in Adidas shoes

© adidas Group (photographer: Hannah Hlavacek)

Looking for a gift to your environmentally-conscious loved ones?

Last month, Adidas has debuted a shoe called the Adidas Futurecraft Biofabric, which is made from a synthetic silk molecule called Biosteel® produced by German manufacturer AMSilk. The synthetic silk is produced using a biotechnological process as an alternative to natural silk. It is said to be 15% lighter than conventional silk fibres and is 100% biodegradable. The shoe will only decompose when put in contact with a high concentration of the enzyme proteinase, and it can decompose within 36 hours.

The shoe was unveiled at the renowned Biofabricate Conference in New York as adidas and AMSilk announce a partnership that will explore the use of Biosteel® fiber in performance products on a larger scale. AMSilk GmbH claims to be the world’s first industrial supplier of synthetic silk biopolymers and has its headquarters in Planegg near Munich, Germany.

Biofabricate is an annual summit for the emerging world of grown materials, hosted this year by Parsons School of Design on 5th Avenue, NYC on November 17. Hopefully, I’ll be able to attend this one next year.

For those hardcore renewable chemical fans, I would suggest asking Santa Claus for a hardcopy (or pdf) of our Bio-Materials handbook :).



About Doris de Guzman

Doris de Guzman examines alternative processing, new technology, R&D and other sustainability initiatives aimed at preventing pollution and lowering carbon emissions through news aggregation, market data analysis and information collaboration.


One Response to “Biodegradable silk in Adidas shoes”

  1. The new Futurecraft Biofabric shoe made from AMSilk Biosteel® fibers was also presented at the adidas annual results press conference, focusing also on sustainability. The AMSilk Biosteel® fibers, an organic high-performance material made from biotechnologically produced silk, are 100% biodegradable and even vegan. Here is the link to the annual results press conference of adidas AG:

    Posted by BS13 | March 27, 2017, 7:59 am

