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What do Brands Want? A Survey from Sustainability Consult

Sustainability Consult presented at the recently-held World Bio Markets conference the results of its #WhatBrandsWant survey report, which was published late last year. The findings reveal brands’ growing commitment towards renewable materials and alternatives to fossil-based products.

Half of the brands surveyed reportedly have already set targets for bio-based products. One quarter said bio-based content was one of the selection criteria when choosing a supplier based on sustainability performance. Of the brands not currently using bio-based materials, two-thirds reportedly intend to incorporate them into future product lines.

The main barriers to adoption include costs followed by performance and availability. There are also concerns regarding feedstock, end-of-life options and lack of consumer understanding. Brands are said to be looking to the bio-based industry to provide credible information on product advantages.

Sustainability Consult surveyed more than 6,000 participants and analyzed responses from over 40 brands. The results reportedly offer unique end-user insights on the drivers and barriers affecting the renewable materials market.


About Doris de Guzman

Doris de Guzman examines alternative processing, new technology, R&D and other sustainability initiatives aimed at preventing pollution and lowering carbon emissions through news aggregation, market data analysis and information collaboration.


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