
This tag is associated with 2 posts

Metabolix, NC State on advanced crop techs

Metabolix might be out of the PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate) business now but we will still monitor this company from time to time as it expands its agbiotech business (and hopefully future feedstock for chemical application). This news announced the partnership of Metabolix and North Carolina State University for a worldwide, exclusive license agreement in advanced crop … Continue reading »

CSIRO licenses Super High Oleic Safflower Oil

When I was a reporter at the previously titled Chemical Market Reporter (now known as ICIS Chemical Business), I used to cover several specialty oilseeds markets such as safflower, camelina, high erucic rapeseed, castor, lesquerella, hemp, etc. I also covered the developing genetically modified oilseeds back then such as high oleic soybeans and canola. Oilseeds … Continue reading »

