News Roundup
Gevo earnings call anticipation
If you read some of the message boards about the Gevo stocks, you can see questions hanging in the air on where this company is heading this year as investors anticipate Gevo’s announcement of its 4Q and 2014 annual financial results…
Fundings 1Q 2015
Several news just came in yesterday and the blog is still catching up from interviews made the past 4-5 weeks. I am hoping to soon post articles about the starch market, the world of enzymes, biotech-based surfactants, updates on levulinic…
Company Movements News
Hope you’re enjoying the start of your weekend. We are expecting another snowstorm coming into New York this Saturday and I can’t wait to have a brief respite from the wintry weather next week when I fly to Florida to…
Biofuel, Biorefinery, Company initiatives, Energy, Feedstock, Government, Investments, News Roundup, Partnership
Expanding cellulosic ethanol production worldwide
It felt like everybody was in a group hug when I attended a biofuel panel discussion at the recently-held World Bio Markets USA with POET-DSM, GranBio and Abengoa Bioenergy in attendance. Abengoa had its grand opening celebration last month with…
Location, location, location
Here are recent announcements on new headquarters and new R&D sites. LanzaTech, for one, has finally decided to move its global headquarters from New Zealand, where the company was founded, to Skokie, Illinois. The move will generate 30 new Illinois…
Malaysia palm activities updates
Hello from a hazy/cloudy Kuala Lumpur where the palm and lauric oils industry congregates for this year’s annual conference. This is my first time attending this event, where most of the presentations will start tomorrow. I will tweet some of…
January News Roundup
It’s Superbowl Sunday and I got bored so back to blogging (36-0 Seahawks at this point). Anyway, I just confirmed last week that I will be attending the Palm and Lauric Oils Conference (POC) in Kuala Lumpur on March 3-5,…