Blog posts on wood-based fibres and chemicals
Happy Thanksgiving to our US readers! I deemed last week’s AFCC’s first conference in Washington DC as a success and I, along with my colleague from Forest2Market, had a productive workshop session focusing on forestry feedstock for biofuels and renewable…
Rodents Don’t Favor Soy-Based Plastics
This news from the United Soybean Board (USB) caught my attention because I never thought that rodents and insects could be more attracted to plant-based plastics and materials. Fortunately, this is not the case (for rodents anyway) as according to…
LG Chem proceeds with sustainable materials investments
South Korea-based chemical company LG Chem has been making several news headlines within the past few months as the company announced its intention to invest KRW10 trillion ($8.5 billion) in eco-friendly and high-growth materials by 2025. Over 30 projects including…
Economic Impact of US Biobased Products Industry
The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its 2019 Economic Impact Analysis of the US Biobased Product Industry celebrating the USDA’s 10th anniversary of the creation of its Certified Biobased Product Label. Established in 2011 underneath USDA’s BioPreferred Program, the Certified…
Danimer Scientific to Acquire Novomer
This is quite interesting news that came out today about Danimer Scientific announcing its plans to acquire Novomer in a cash transaction valued at $152 million. Headquartered with a pilot plant in Rochester, New York, Novomer develops high-performing, carbon-efficient, cost-effective…
Association, Bioplastic, Government, Investments, Press Release, Processing, R&D, studies and reports
European Bioplastics talks about Chemical Recycling
Some might say the surging investments in chemical recycling is taking away the attention on the development and commercialization of bio-based plastics but according to the European Bioplastics Association, chemical recycling is an important option for bio-based plastics to the…
US Plastics Pact Launched 2025 Roadmap
Hello blog readers. My apologies for not posting for quite some time as I have been immersed in new administerial duties at Tecnon OrbiChem and we just released our latest Bio-Materials market commentaries. This month’s special report is about sustainable…