Green Chemicals Blog
Deinove produces muconic acid from 2G substrates
The blog has been following France-based Deinove for quite sometime now, with its development of its Deinococcus microorganism. The company recently announced that it has been able to produce muconic acid in their laboratory using second generation cellulose-based materials. Muconic…
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Twitter Live: INFOCAST Sustainable Chemicals Summit
Held in San Diego, California, the INFOCAST Sustainable Chemicals & Plastics Adoption & Applications Summit brought together consumer brand, OEM, retail decision makers, venture capitalists, financiers, corporate strategics, chemical majors, specialty, bio-based and sustainable chemical companies to provide a detailed…
Amyris develops yeast strain for fragrance molecule
Hello blog readers. I am currently in San Diego attending INFOCAST’s Methane Bioengineering Summit (#MethaneSummit) yesterday, and the Sustainability Chemicals (#INFOCASTBio) summit today and tomorrow. I hope you’ve been following my tweets on it. In the meantime, let me write…
Twitter Live: 1st Biomethane Engineering Summit
INFOCAST kick-starts its first Methane Bioengineering Summit held in San Diego, California, on Sept. 1, and sponsored by Calysta. The event explored the potential of methane as a sustainable feedstock to enable biotech-based industrial and consumer products beyond petroleum. LET’S…
Butamax and Gevo settle isobutanol patent war
Great news are coming out just as I am in the middle of writing my newsletter! Here’s one fresh from Gevo and Butamax Advanced Biofuels LLC, where the two companies are entering a worldwide patent cross-license and settlement agreements, ending…
Biomass? There’s an App for that
I am going to be very busy this week with my Bio-materials newsletter deadline but I can’t resist posting this news from Genera Energy (a bioenergy supply chain management company) about its launch of a mobile agriculture app, “Biomass”. The app…
Alberta Bio program offers $3m funding
Alberta Innovates Bio Solutions has launched a new funding program “Alberta Bio Future Product and Technology Commercialization,” which aims to increase the value derived from Alberta’s renewable biomass resource with new products or technologies for the province’s bioindustrial sector. A…