studies and reports
Nova Institute report: 2018 was a very good year for bio-based polymers
Nova Institute released its latest Biopolymers Summary report for 2018 where Tecnon OrbiChem is a contributor. According to the report, the total 2018 biopolymers production volume reached 7.5 million tonnes – these are already 2% of the production volume of petrochemical…
VIDEOS: Defining bioplastics
The Plastics Industry Association last year released a report on bioplastics trying to define what is the product about. In a survey PLASTICS conducted, the report noted that of 1,000 U.S. consumers in January 2018, 31% were still not familiar…
State of the Renewable Chemicals Industry
Happy New Year! Tecnon OrbiChem’s first Biomaterials issue for 2019 just came out today and my special report for this month focuses on last year’s industry restructuring and project investment overview. My key takeaway for 2018 is that the renewable…
What do Brands Want? A Survey from Sustainability Consult
Sustainability Consult presented at the recently-held World Bio Markets conference the results of its #WhatBrandsWant survey report, which was published late last year. The findings reveal brands’ growing commitment towards renewable materials and alternatives to fossil-based products. Half of the…
Renewable chemicals commercialization to step up in 2018
The year 2017 saw several announcements that point towards a more focused intent to construct demonstration and commercial manufacturing facilities for renewable chemicals. However, it was also a year of uncertainty with several established players and buyers, such as M&G,…
European plastics industry sets sustainable targets
The trade organization, PlasticsEurope recently published its 2030 Voluntary Commitment, which contains a set of ambitious targets and initiatives by the European plastics industry towards a more sustainable economic solution. This commitment focuses on (1) increasing re-use and recycling, (2)…
China’s scrap plastic ban hits US recyclers
The market for recycled plastics and paper will undergo a massive change next year with China’s ban for importing scrap plastics starts 1 January 2018. China announced last July that it will stop accepting imports of used plastics and paper…