News Roundup
Private investors coming back?
Covering the renewable chemicals sector for the past several years, I’ve noticed that many of the investment announcements seem to increased usually in December, when I guess, private investors are more mellow and in a gift-giving mood. Here are some…
A New Year Greetings (and news)
Happy New Year!! The blog had a great first year on its new platform and according to WordPress, it was viewed at about 160,000 times in 2013 leading to a total of 183,000 times since the blog’s start-up in September…
November news roundup
My apologies for the lack of news. Attending three conferences in a month plus a newsletter deadline has taken its toll, and therefore the coughing and sniffling continues (despite trying to cure it with some after-thanksgiving shopping). I am gathering…
October News Roundup
It seems October is chock-full of news and November is all about conferences. On Wednesday, I will be presenting at the Biorefining Conversions Network (BCN) Retreat in Canada and will be tweeting under #BCNRetreat. On November 19-21, I will be…
Bioplastics get attention at #K2013
There are so many news that are coming out this week but let me first post this one, which has been stewing in my draft box for weeks. There seems to be a lot of bioplastic launch (or products related…
September Biofuels Roundup
Yes, I am lazy when it comes to biofuel news. Just click the links! Global Biotech Corp. Announces Purthanol Acquisition Concord Energy Announces Agreement to Establish Asia Pacific Joint Venture with Cool Planet Energy Systems Cool Planet Moves Forward with Commercial…
September News Roundup
Ok, so maybe this should be August-September news roundup but I will again try to do this at the end of every month if I can. No more weekly news roundup though. My brain can’t do it. By the way,…