Canada cooperative in cellulosic sugar supply chain
I am very sorry for the press release-like post (and several others following this will probably be the same) but one must what one can to be able to juggle traveling, blog and my duties to Tecnon OrbiChem — yes…
Association, Company initiatives, Conference, Feedstock, Investments, News Roundup, Partnership, Press Release
Methanotrophs technology on the rise
Somebody asked me who are the companies developing the use of methanotrophs (bugs that can convert methane to fuels/chemicals). It has been interesting to see more and more companies on this space and last year September at the INFOCAST bio-based…
Dutch Consortium invests towards sustainable chemistry
AkzoNobel, BASF, Shell, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Top Sector Chemistry, the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Utrecht University, the Eindhoven University of Technology and Groningen University, have formed a consortium, known as the Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks…
Spotlight: Imperial College London Bio activities
The blog had the pleasure of speaking with Imperial College London’s Professor Richard Ian Kitney (Chairman of Institute of Systems & Synthetic Biology as well as Co-director EPSRC Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation) at the recent SynBioBeta conference in…
2015 American Cleaning Institute Sustainability Report
I have been covering the cleaning industry since 2000 because of its connection to the oleochemicals market. The cleaning industry has been one of the front runners in their approach towards sustainability given their products’ role towards health, cleanliness and…
Solvay bags award for bio-ECH
The green blogger is in the middle of the Bio-Materials newsletter deadline so posting will be scarce or very brief. This one is from Solvay who won this year’s JEC Asia 2015 Innovation Award for its bio-based ECH in producing…
Oxo degradable plastics under fire in Europe
The blog has been reporting about oxo biodegradable plastics for years, and according to this recent press release from the European Bioplastics (EUBP) organization, it is noticing an increasing malpractice by producers for the use of EN 13432, a European…