Green Chemicals Blog

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    Cellulosic biofuels projects still on track


    The blog has not been able to post most of the biofuel announcements in the past three months, unfortunately, as most of the blog’s focus is now on renewable chemicals instead. However, you can visit the blog’s home page where…

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    Bluefire Renewables loses DOE grant


    Bluefire Renewables Inc. received notice that the Department of Energy (DOE) would no longer provide funding under the Company’s DOE grant for the development of its cellulosic waste facility in Fulton, Mississippi, due to the its inability to comply with…

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    Private investors coming back?


    Covering the renewable chemicals sector for the past several years, I’ve noticed that many of the investment announcements seem to increased usually in December, when I guess, private investors are more mellow and in a gift-giving mood. Here are some…

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    USDA Video: Biobased Products Important to the Bioeconomy


    The blog is introducing this year a video pick of the week and we’ll start with one from the USDA BioPreferred Program. Last month, Deputy Program Manager for the USDA BioPreferred Program Kate Lewis led a virtual conversation via the…

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    Bio-isobutanol approved by UL


    Producers Gevo and Butamax have both announced the approval of bio-isobutanol for gasoline storage and dispensing equipment by Underwriters Laboratories (UL). The independent product safety and testing company has approved the generic use of up to 16% isobutanol in UL…

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    A New Year Greetings (and news)


    Happy New Year!! The blog had a great first year on its new platform and according to WordPress, it was viewed at about 160,000 times in 2013 leading to a total of 183,000 times since the blog’s start-up in September…

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    Learning Deinococcus bacterium


    The blog is usually not familiar with the type of microorganisms that industrial biotechnology companies use for their fermentation processes but I was intrigued about this Deinococcus bacterium that is being developed and promoted by France-based start-up biotech company Deinove….

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