WBMUSA 2013: Day 2
Day 2 Twitter coverage of the World Bio Markets USA 2013 Conference held in San Francisco on October 29-30
Day 2 of #WBMUSA13. Bio-materials Session will start at 9a PT. Line up of companies presenting: t.co/ghGB3rIxpk I’m getting nervous!
@DGreenblogger Best of luck Doris – we know you’ll be great!
@DGreenblogger The world is watching (and we know you can do it!) Enjoy the sessions – looks plenty interesting.
#WBMUSA13 Doris de Guzman opens day 2 t.co/SvH9is3e4Z
#WBMUSA13 @DGreenblogger great opening remarks for the bio based chem session!
Good morning and welcome to #WBMUSA13 Bio-Materials session. Our first speaker is Judy Giordan of ecosVC and Qteros
@NeilABurns @DGreenblogger Multi-tasking Queen! 🙂
Bio-based Chem track kicks off with Judy Giordan, ecosVC: “know you can’t charge more for green” #WBMUSA13 #BioChat t.co/P5Z2OOLGKm
ecosVC: We are not in 1st generation bio, we are already in 4th generation. Prehistoric men have been using bio! #WBMUSA13
ecosVC: There’s no such thing as drop-ins. You under stand QA, QC, supply chain. #WBMUSA13
Giordan talking about her experiences with glycerin when working for Henkel. “You need to learn the value of your product” #WBMUSA13
Giordan: It is not easy to sell bio-based chemicals. We need to know the market, know the volumes. Find a niche location #WBMUSA13
Giordan: Know what your value-proposition going to be. Performance requirements is very important #WBMUSA13
Giordan: Know your OPEX and CAPEX costs and know them cold…no surprises! Value-added pricing is not based on just being bio-based #WBMUSA13
Giordan: Knowing timeline and scale count. Logistics, shipments, do you know the fob costs of your products? #WBMUSA13
Excellent advice from Judy Giordan. Attitude is important. Learn from the dot com bubble. Know your supply chain! #WBMUSA13
#WBMUSA13 big companies are not dumb? Who knew? J Giordan…..
Speaking is Dr. Paul Anastas (yay!). He is director at Yale University and co-founder of P2 Science #WBMUSA13
@Dgreenblogger introduces Paul Anastas! Who recognizes her huge contributions to the bio field #WBMUSA13 t.co/0guX2wrsjC
#WBMUSA13 2 leading lights in green chemistry on the same stage. @DGreenblogger and Paul Anastas t.co/7ddvVeJW1g
Feel privileged to be listening to ‘Father of Green Chemistry’: Paul Anastas from Yale #wbmusa13 #biochat @wbmnews t.co/B4cArarQtg
Anastas described himself as a humble scientist. Green chem principles – chemicals should be designed to be innocuous. #WBMUSA13
Anastas: Public awareness in green chemistry has been growing tremendously and especially in the mainstream #WBMUSA13
Anastas: Take the immaturity of bio-based chemicals as a compliment. So many avenues to explore! #WMBUSA13
#WBMUSA13 Anastas – ‘what do you mean it’s a bit muddy?’ t.co/vhG5mVLi4t
Anastas talking about P2 Science that he co-founded. Company initially looking at bio-surfactants and now looking at new feedstock #WBMUSA13
#WBMUSA13 P2 Science gets a plug from Paul Anastas! V Unexpected
Anastas: There are unintended consequences in creating bio-economy, think carefully and learn lessons from petrochem history #WBMUSA13
#WBMUSA classic cartoon from Paul Anastas t.co/6SYSxlHBSb
Speaking now is Dr. Alan Shaw, chairman, president and CEO of Calysta Energy #WBMUSA13
Shaw: Sugar is actually terrible to use as chemical feedstock. It is all about thermodynamics and feedstock #WBMUSA13
#WBMUSA13 Alan Shaw – It’s all about the feedstock. Biomass is never there when you need it! t.co/sCY9bAntKI
Shaw: Shale gas is not a phenomena. It has fundamentally changed the chemical landscape and will change other regions. #WBMUSA13
#WBMUSA Alan Shaw loves Nat gas from shale t.co/Cb8QPojMJG
Shaw: Fracking does bring issues but people are making so money out of shale gas. Those issues will get solved..#WBMUSA13
Shaw: Disconnect in C4 pricing and C2/C3. You need to think where prices are going to be in 2017 #WBMUSA13
Shaw: The green premium is about the elusive as the tooth fairy. Biotechnology is here to stay #WBMUSA13
Shaw: How can you make money if you’re feedstock is giving a theoretical yield of around 30%? #WBMUSA13
Shaw: There is no ideal feedstock, if you want to make money now, you might not want to use renewable (e.g. use methane) #WBMUSA13
Shaw: Some companies do not care if their feedstock is renewable-based e.g. NatureWorks working w/ Calysta on methane-based lactic #WBMUSA13
Thought-provoking comparison of feedstock economics from Alan Shaw between sugar and natural gas. #WBMUSA13
Shaw: “Old joke in the industry: ‘Cellulosic ethanol is 5 yrs away’ and I’ve been hearing that joke for a least 10 years!” #WBMUSA13
@hannahgpc In other words – not too much news from Alan?
An amazing panel to kick off the bio-based chemicals track at #wbmusa13 Paul Anastas, Judy Giordan, Alan Shaw t.co/4LMiFbvTBr
@DGreenblogger Thanks for your excellent coverage of #wbmusa13 Appreciate it!
“@bartvanas: @DGreenblogger Thanks for your excellent coverage of #wbmusa13 Appreciate it!” I agree! 🙂
Great twitter coverage of #WBMUSA13 from @DGreenblogger on the #bio-based #chemicals stuff – check it out and follow @Biochat @bio @biochem
Agree with @claireypoole: Great twitter coverage of #WBMUSA13 from @DGreenblogger on the #bio-based #chemicals stuff – check it out!”
Thanks for the twitter kudos! The morning session by Giordan, Anastas and Shaw was a blast! – Doris
Now speaking is Greg Keenan, VP, business development at Penford Products to talk about starch-based biopolymers #WBMUSA13
Greg Keenan, Penford speaking at #wbmusa13 on starch as a feedstock for the biopolymer markets beyond just a filler” t.co/o4DIUk8bBh
Greg Keenan, Penford: “Contrary to this morning’s presentations, in our starch business, we use everything and the squeal!” #wbmusa13
Keenan: Penford going towards specialty chemicals market. Starch – in industrial use, it can be feedstock, filler or biopolymer #WBMUSA13
Keenan: Biopolymer using starch is a 2bn lb market today #WBMUSA13
RT @DGreenblogger: Penford tech platforms: Performance biopolymers, biobased latex, natural/synthetic composites, encapsulation #WBMUSA13
Keenan: Latex extension for coatings and binders – latex supply chain driven by oil. Bio is competing on cost and making profit #WBMUSA13
Keenan: Folks think that starch-based chems is not performing as well as petro-based chems. Not always the case (e.g. adhesives) #WBMUSA13
Keenan: We are starting to see bio-based products meeting and exceeding customer expectations #WBMUSA13
Keenan: Natural materials will be available year-to-year, season-to-season. Good formulation, partnering – key to success #WBMUSA13
Keenan: Be selective in partners though. Avoid over the fence development. Effective communication essential #WBMUSA13
Speaking is Dylan Boday of IBM about development of renewable materials for durable good applications #WBMUSA13
Dylan Boday, IBM speaking on their renewables materials initiative at #wbmusa13 #biochat #biochem t.co/UAJg0a74yr
Dylan Boday: IBM: “It will surprise people that there is a lot of consumer interest in renewable feedstocks for durable goods” #wbmusa13
RT @DGreenblogger IBM: There is a lot of consumer interests in use of renewable, also driver for biobased use is being competitive #WBMUSA13
IBM: Renewable materials in IT products – foams, thermoplastic covers, fan housing, packaging, cables, etc..challenges big #WBMUSA13
IBM talking on renewable oil foaming process using rapeseed oil for acoustic foams. They need to flame retardant – a challenge! #WBMUSA13
IBM: IBM already launched its renewable acoustic foam in 4Q11 with 15% bio-based content #WBMUSA13
IBM looking at PLA, PHA and PBS to replace polycarbonate materials #WBMUSA13
IBM: PLA blends were direct drop-ins for PC/ABS materials. Has taken 1.5 years of collaborative effort. #WBMUSA13
IBM: We need to make sure there is bio-based volumes available out there. We need to reduce as much costs as possible #WBSUSA13
Bio polymer panel #wbmusa13 t.co/WNQbqeQ5Fy
From biopolymers and bioplastics to bio-based rubber! Patagonia and Yulex Case Study session now. #wbmusa13
Speaking now is Jeff Martin, president and CEO of Yulex to talk about their industrial crop guayule for biobased natural latex #WBMUSA13
Jeff Martin @YulexGuayule speaking at #wbmusa13 on revolutionizing the natural rubber industry #BioChat #biochem t.co/u7PMWdEwjF
Yulex working with Patagonia to produce a bio-based wetsuit as alternative to neoprene #WBMUSA13
@YulexGuayule Southeast Asia produces over 90% of the global natural rubber supply #WBMUSA13
@YulexGuayule Tropical natural rubber is non-sustainable agricultural model. US totally depends on imports #WBMUSA13
@YulexGuayule Latex allergies with tropical rubber is another driver for development of guayule #WBMUSA13
@YulexGuayule – a one-stop shop from seed devt, to processing of rubber to product devt. Guayule is a perennial, non-food crop #WBMUSA13
@YulexGuayule Production of rubber from guayule is in two years unlike 8 year cycle for tropical rubber #WBMUSA13
News flash: @YulexGuayule signed a deal with SG Biofuels for molecular breeding of guayule #WBMUSA13
ANNOUNCEMENT: @YulexGuayule sign a molecular breeding partnership with @sgbionews #wbmusa13 #BioChat #biochem @wbmnews
@YulexGuayule signed a deal with ENI Versalis to build the first biorefinery facility producing guayule rubber. Location TBA #WBMUSA13
@YulexGuayule and Versalis will be building a facility somewhere in Southern Europe, first scale 50 ktpa but could be more #WBMUSA13
Patagonia introduced first plant-based wetsuit using Yulex’s guayule rubber #WBMUSA13
RT “@DGreenblogger: Patagonia: Launching 60-40 blend of guayule-based rubber on a wetsuit. Hoping for 100% soon #WBMUSA13” #biobased
RT “@DGreenblogger: Patagonia: Launching 60-40 blend of guayule-based rubber on a wetsuit. Hoping for 100% soon #WBMUSA13” #biobased
Patagonia: Good performance of guayule compared to traditional neoprene materials such as drying time, strength, durable…#WBMUSA13
Patagonia: We felt we had a pretty concrete case for the sustainability of using guayule. Looking at other products to use them #WBMUSA13
Patagonia: We are not a big-volume driver company but if we want to move the needle, we need volume. #WBMUSA13
Patagonia: “We don’t want to do it exclusively over our competitors, we want to drive change” #wbmusa13
Patagonia: “The entire industry is using one material and we think that needs to change” #wbmusa13
A full morning of #sustainable aviation discussions at #WBMUSA13! #Biojet fuels, policy and feedstocks have all been under the microscope!
RT @jrobertsonCRB: @DebiDurham presents at #WBMUSA13 on the resources/assets @BusinessIOWA has in #biobased industry t.co/PLDiZLDkMH
We just added some photos of Director @DebiDurham speaking at #WBMUSA13 to our Facebook page: t.co/meVlsfxL7h
First half of the Bio-materials session ended. Back at 2pm PT for the next panel feat. Genomatica, Rennovia, Bayegan #WBMUSA13
@DGreenblogger glad to see you used the wrong hash-tag here. First work on performance, then talk price!
@joostdubois Thanks I didn’t even noticed that 🙂
Bio-based platform chemicals panel about to start. First speaker is Christophe Schilling, CEO of Genomatica #WBMUSA13
Christophe Schilling, CEO, Genomatica presenting a case study on their BDO commercialisation success #wbmusa13 t.co/YtRwrsIWfU
Genomatica: We get revenue in some cases from our licensees. We don’t produce the chemicals #WBMUSA13
Genomatica: First one is BDO and the next is butadiene. We are on to fast start w/ bio-butadiene w/ Versalis partnership #WBMUSA13
Genomatica: We are starting to see market uptake for bio-BDO in the market. BDO today are about 3.5bn lb, $4bn/year market. #WBMUSA13
Genomatica: There are downstream applications such as non-woven fibers that can use PBT where bio-BDO has a great potential #WBMUSA13
Genomatica: First bio-BDO plant in Italy via Novamont with a 20 ktpy facility to start soon #WBMUSA13
Genomatica: Production of bio-BDO in DuPont Tate & Lyle facility last year – all sold in positive margins in just 5 weeks #WBMUSA13
Genomatica: it’s about providing alternative feedstocks for chemical industry, whether this will always be bio remains to be seen #wbmusa13
Genomatica: Bio-based is providing a driver and encouraging uptake by the consumer at this time #wbmusa13
Genomatica: our success might not have happened had it not have been based on renewable and bio-based feedstocks #wbmusa13
Speaking now is Thomas Boussie, co-founder, vp corporate development at Rennovia #WBMUSA13
Tom Boussie, Rennovia presenting their case studies on adipic acid and HMD to make 6,6 nylon. #WBMUSA13 #BioChat t.co/ZkicUf11Gw
Rennovia: I don’t think the advent of shale gas is death knoll for renewables. #WBMUSA13
Rennovia: C4, C6, C8 derivatives will be the market potential for renewables. Rennovia focused on C4/C6 value chains #WBMUSA13
Rennovia core expertise is in advanced catalyst. First product is bio-based adipic acid, a potential $6.8bn market #WBMUSA13
Rennovia: I am encouraged to hear 10 c/lb projection for cellulosic sugar, we are not holding our breath though. #WBMUSA13
Rennovia: Second product is bio-based HMDA, purely chemocatalytic process. Uses fructose feedstock, more expensive than glucose #WBMUSA13
Rennovia: Fructose has declining demand in the US, they lost about 3m lb. Corn refining industry desperate to find application #WBMUSA13
Rennovia talking about hexanediol w/c is extremely expensive to make.. Lots of potential for bio-based hexanediol to make HMD #WBMUSA13
Rennovia: We are scaling up production of both bio-adipic acid and bio-HMD. Transitioning bio-adipic next year to 1-2 kilo/h #WBMUSA13
Rennovia: we started feedstock agnostic with the simple aim to provide cheaper chemicals #wbmusa13
U.S. Examples of bio-based chemical production pathways that can deliver at displacement cost – inspiring case study session at #WBMUSA13
@DGreenblogger -doing a great job of grilling Genomatica & Rennovia on drop-ins when Judy Giordan said that drop-ins don’t exist! #WBMUSA13
Now speaking is Benjamin Borns of Sherwin Williams to talk about paints and coatings market trends #WBMUSA13
Ben Borns, Sherwin-Williams speaking at #WBMUSA13 on their work with paints and coatings #biochat #biochem t.co/pSZDtu2Oi1
Borns: We always have been and will continue to be a bio-based company. We’ve been using biobased materials since 1866 #WBMUSA13
Sherwin Williams has Biobased coatings tech based on recycled PET and soy fatty acids. Partnership w/ United Soybean Board #WBMUSA13
SherwinW: Interested in identifying partners working on bio-monomers or developing polymers themselves. JDA feasible #WBMUSA13
Speaking now is Pete He of Henkel, sr. research fellow, sustainability at Henkel Consumer Goods #WBMUSA13
Pete He Henkel speaking on their sustainable product initiative in personal care, adhesives and detergents #WBMUSA13 t.co/b9eFYx58HO
Henkel: More and more regulations of chemicals are leading to consumer products companies looking for alternatives #WBMUSA13
Henkel: We don’t want to compromise on performance, we need chems that are safer to handle/use/dispose #WBMUSA13
Henkel: A lot of surfactant chems rely on palm/coconut oil but these are also used for food use #WBMUSA13
Henkel: We are committed on certified palm/soy oil but we worry about supply. Can we find alternatives? #WBMUSA13
Henkel: We haven’t done a lot of study on biomimicry to make bio-adhesives #WBMUSA13
Henkel: We have to make it right to be competitive in the market. Cost over performance ratio is still high in some apps #WBMUSA13
Rivertop Renewables’ CEO Mike Knauf now speaking about glucaric acid #WBMUSA13
Mike Knauf, CEO, Rivertop Renewables speaking at #wbmusa13 on bio-based application opportunities #BioChat #biochem t.co/8158rh5Ali
Knauf: Glucaric acid did not have a biological route before. We believe we will be the first to make this product #WBMUSA13
Knauf: We expect to launch products in 10-12 months as soon as we get funding for scale-up of our glucaric acid #WBMUSA13
RT @dgreenblogger: Knauf: Glucaric acid is a building block & we are looking forward to partner for them to exploit this molecule #WBMUSA13
RT @dgreenblogger: Knauf: Glucaric acid industrial use include oil/gas e.g. desalting of crude oil #WBMUSA13
RT @dgreenblogger: Knauf: Marketing a novel product is a challenge but we believe we add value #WBMUSA13
Knauf: 10m lb/year commercial plant expected on line in 2014. Pilot sampling underway #WBMUSA13
Now speaking is Kaj Johnson, green chef, Method. No you read it right, it’s green chef 🙂 #WBMUSA13
#WBMUSA13 Kaj Johnson talks surfactants! Great stuff. Their CEO spoke at ICIS Euro Surfactants t.co/VQ1OROXvMT
Method: Method has merged with Ecover last year. Ecover is using bio-based HDPE, Method is using recycled PET, for packaging #WBMUSA13
Method has been a partner with Segetis for quite a while in bio-based solvents application (using levulinic ketal) #WBMUSA13
Method: Bio-surfactants is an area that we are very interested in #WBMUSA13
Sorry I wasn’t able to tweet earlier. It was a pleasure chairing the bio-materials session at #WBMUSA13. It was quite an experience
@DGreenblogger Great coverage of #WBMUSA13…it’s almost like being there myself!
More aftermath twitter talks on #WBMUSA13….
Wish I was at #WBMUSA13 with my @SustConsult colleagues! We had fun at WMB Rotterdam. Reading all about it on Twitter!
@kathrynsheridan Wish you were here as well. Hope all is well with you 🙂
.@hannahgpc Hopefully see you in Amsterdam, perhaps for a spot more moderating?! #WBMUSA13
@kathrynsheridan 🙂 Will see what I can do…
@DGreenblogger you were a real pro Doris.
@NeilABurns Thanks Neil! Glad you were there to ask questions and for the tweets!
Thanks for the RTs #FF at the #WBMUSA13: @talli @Marsha_Irving @mickeynu477 @jonester @hermanb @benlubbon @citiznwarrior (and others!)
Russian dandelion as rubber feedstock via @MelodyMV @cenblogs t.co/NQ5KiNZXeI. I’ll post abt @YulexGuayule @patagonia soon #WBMUSA13
Thanks @GreenPowerConf for the moderating opportunity! Had a great time in San Francisco!