WBM USA 2013: Day 1
Day 1 Twitter coverage of the World Bio Markets USA 2013 Conference held in San Francisco on October 29-30
Got questions for these companies? t.co/ghGB3rIxpk Send your questions at #WBMUSA13 and I will ask them on Oct. 30. Use the hashtag!
At next week’s #wbmusa13 @DSM, @ethanolbyPOET and @POETDSM will be present! Meet Wade Robey, @stevehartig, @Morgan2007 and @mdmerritt
Wade Robey @stevehartig, @Morgan2007 @joostdubois @mdmerritt @DSM @ethanolbyPOET @POETDSM Welcome to San Francisco. See you at #wbmusa13
Check out #WBMUSA13; @RobertKennedyJr & @TomSteyer Keynote Speakers t.co/66HAAVYyli … … < #BioChat #LiveTweet w/ @DGreenblogger
#BioChat #LiveTweet #WBMUSA13.
Say hello to @biochat founder @Sean_OHanlon
Welcome to San Francisco.
Cc @claireypoole -
Thanks for the #follow @DGreenblogger. See you soon in the City by the Bay. Welcome to California. #LiveTweet #WBMUSA12 #BioChat
Thanks! Still in the air. Looking fwd to meeting u. @benlubbon: Thanks for the #follow. Welcome to California. #LiveTweet #WBMUSA13 #BioChat
@DGreenblogger Enjoy #wbmusa13 & make sure to check presentations by Wade Robey – @ethanolbyPOET, @stevehartig, and @morgan2007 @DSM
Thanks! @joostdubois I will check them out. Hopefully their presentation is not on Wed. @ethanolbyPOET @stevehartig @Morgan2007 @DSM
Nice lobby. Scouting out tomorrow’s #WBMUSA13 hotel in San Francisco
It was a pleasure meeting Barbara Bramble of the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials last night at #WBMUSA13 t.co/1pcjtjJXxN
U.S. Looking forward to learn more about state of play for advanced #biofuels at #WBMUSA13 t.co/IPj5H7jhaX #cellulosic #ethanol
FF @benlubbon for live tweets at #WBMUSA13. I will start tweeting at 10:45 w/ Beta Renewables, @ethanolbyPOET and @solazyme presentations
Its almost time for #WBMUSA13 – kick off in 2 hours and counting!
Full house for #WBMUSA13 plenary keynote presentations. #biochat @wbmnews #biofuels #biochem #sustainability t.co/5tbFrPAPtp
Moderating the keynotes at the #WBMUSA13 this morning in San Francisco. First up: @RobertKennedyJr
.@robertfkennedyjr #environmentaljustice corporate crony capitalism. #BioChat #LiveTweet #WBMUSA13 Protect Enviro-infrastructure
Notion that we can have economic prosperity or clean environment is a “false choice.” Must have both. – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. #WBMUSA13
Not putting a price on carbon is a “subsidy to Big Carbon.” – Robert Kennedy Jr. #WBMUSA13
Funding Terror thru our #oil addiction.
#Jumpstart free indusry. Why subsidize fossil industry. @robertfkennedyjr #BioChat #WBMUSA13 -
This whole talk is turning into a digression.
We’re living in a science fiction nightmare.
Wonderful #Renewables
Bad transmission grids, it’s dumb
Rational economy w/ #Social #Entrepreneurship
@robertfkennedyjr #WBMUSA13 -
#WBMUSA13 RFKJr keynote – build clean energy grid to displace fossil, bring in and balance distriuted renewables
Tom Steyer, Active citizen, philanthropist and environmentalist speaking about energy politics at #wbmusa13 t.co/DaUZHcJvoV
.@TomSteyer Success …hand a healthy planet to our children. Challenge to our generation. #BioChat #LiveTweet #WBMUSA13
What are we going to do with DC disfunction?
How are #biofuels affected?
We are an effluent. #Algae
#BioChat #WBMUSA13 -
@TomSteyer ‘If you’re not at the table you’re on the menu’ – people need to participate in a democracy #wbmusa13
@TomSteyer at #wbmusa13 ‘we’re not going to be stopped because DC has a partisan problem’ democracy is about changing votes & election
Anne Korin, US energy security council #WBMUSA13 “competing transportation fuels will reduce petroleum dependency” t.co/fqy37d8Vh7
Anne Korin at #wbmusa13 – OPEC matters. That’s the one take away here. It has profound affect on national security situation.
Anna Morin
Reduce oil imports we will be safe.
#BioChat #WBMUSA13
#DrillBabyDrill #Fail
#ArabSpring key! -
Dan Reicher speaking on energy policy and finance #WBMUSA13 @wbmnews #biochat #biofuels #biochem #sustainability t.co/NgVQPc7nyY
Conference a little late. Will soon start tweeting on presentations from @ghisolg of Beta Renewables, @solazyme and @ethanolbyPOET #WBMUSA13
Oh it’s not Guido Ghisolfi but Michele Rubino of Beta Renewables now speaking #WBMUSA13
Beta Renewables: Proesa tech produces cellulosic sugars = C5/C6 chems, and lignin = aromatics, PTA, phenols #WBMUSA13
BetaR: In the US, there is no known biomass supply chain solution that meet cost-effective, scalable, sustainable criteria #WBMUSA13
W. Wade Robey, CTO, POET speaking on the collocated production of corn ethanol and #cellulosic #WBMUSA13 #BioChat t.co/hNolHlyRag
POET CTO Wade Robey is outlining the company’s history of innovation at #WBMUSA13.
For thousands of years b/f fossil fuel we lived above the ground. #Biofuel takes us back to the surface. – @ethanolbyPOET‘s Robey #WBMUSA13
As opposed to #cellulosic #biofuel, no one sees the cost of #oil going down in the future. @ethanolbyPOET‘s Robey at #WBMUSA13
POET: Biomass is a tremendous challenge. We’ve gained tremendous advantage with our work we’ve done on biomass #WBMUSA13
POET: We’ve seen improvements in corn yield, dramatic increase in etoh yields, reduction in natgas price w/c is required for etoh #WBMUSA13
POET on #ProjectLiberty. Enzyme is critical cost component of process and DSM is working on this #WBMUSA13
Corn #ethanol saw leaps in cost, efficiency. #Cellulosic will too if given the chance to compete in the pump. – @ethanolbyPOET‘s Robey
#WBMUSA13 We can produce 6-7bn gal ethanol from biomass alone here in the US. Biomass is there, capital is just the biggest challenge – POET
Speaking now is Jonathan Wolfson of @solazyme talking about emerging bioeconomy #WBMUSA13 t.co/doF8uXBVa1
Jonathan Wolfson, CEO @Solazyme
#WBMUSA13 Speaker
t.co/66HAAVYyli …From South San Francisco: Home of #Biotech giant @genentech.
#WBMUSA13 Jonathan Wolfson CEO Solazyme. More real progress on #AdvancedBiofuels now despite pessimistic analyses.
RT @FabrizioSibilla: Not only in US, also an EU problem. Need devt of robust/reliable supply chain to exploit the green revolution #WBMUSA13
Q&A #WBMUSA13. Policies can speed playing field for biofuels/biomaterials. Tax breaks are critical to compete head-to-head. RFS important.
Provocative conversation at #WBMUSA13, good way to begin the conference.
Great that you’re enjoying it! RT @DebiDurham: Provocative conversation at #WBMUSA13, good way to begin the conference.
Winner of the Bio-based Deal of the Year! @POETDSM at #wbmusa13. #biofuel #cellulosic #ethanol t.co/kTMPsy3XAv
Ha! make that International!!: “@POETDSM venture receives national recognition t.co/plxamUDhDi” #cellulosic #biofuel #wbmusa13
@DSM @stevehartig Bio-Based Deal of the Year goes to @POETDSM at #WBMUSA13. Well done, guys! @joostdubois
Speaking now is chairman of the Biobased feedstock session, Naveen Sikka, CEO of Terviva #WBMUSA13
Options 4 underproductive land: Improve abilities of existing crops, improve land conditions, find new crops to work on this land #WBMUSA13
Terviva working on pongamia — similar to soybeans, seeds high in oil. Commercial trials ongoing #WBMUSA13
Pongamia high in oleic acid, not for edible use but can be upgraded if req’d. Company licenses with 3rd party growers #WBMUSA13
John Edward Hamer of Monsanto Growth Ventures on sustainable biomass #wbmusa13
Monsanto: How to sustainably remove corn stover? Corn stover is important in land management. #WBMUSA13
Monsanto: Corn residue is growing challenge because increasing corn yields. Corn stover removal a challenge #WBMUSA13
Monsanto in collaboration w/ Deere and ADM to sustainably harvest, transport and store corn stover #WBMUSA13
Monsanto working with “Ag Tech” companies. I definitely need to learn about this space…#WBMUSA13
@joostdubois It’s Monsanto actually and they are working on partners for solutions e.g. Deere and ADM
Marie-Helene Labrie of Enerkem on waste-to-biofuels #wbmusa13
Enerkem producing cellulosic ethanol from used utility poles, construction/demolition debris, separated municipal solid waste #WBMUSA13
Enerkem uses thermochemical process. Standard plant design (1 module) = mom gal/yr. Products incl. etoh, methanol, other chems #WBMUSA13
Enerkem: Landfill tipping fees going upward. Volume of waste going to landfill in US around 459m tons/year. #WBMUSA13
Enerkem project in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. 25 yr agreement to produce 10m gal/y ethanol using municipal solid waste #WBMUSA13
Enerkem has other projects under debt in Quebec and Mississippi (US). Biz model is build, own, operate as well as JVs #WBMUSA13
Enerkem also looking at tech licensing in international markets. Future portfolio also include chemicals drop-ins aside from etoh #WBMUSA13
Enerkem: It’s just 5 yrs since most tech from pilot are now near-commercial, we can’t stop now. Don’t let RFS scare investors #WBMUSA13
Abengoa on second generation ethanol #wbmusa13
Abengoa: Hugoton plant w/ 25 mgpy biomass-to-ethanol mostly using corn stover, to start late 2013-early 2014 #WBMUSA13
Abengoa: Partial stover removal from high yielding ground will increase profitability #WBMUSA13
Abengoa: Hugoton plant biomass feedstock requires 300,000 dry tons of biomass/year #WBMUSA13
Abengoa: Wheat straw, corn stover have different harvest seasons allowing us to focus one at a time on feedstock logistics/store #WBMUSA13
Abengoa: Communicate w/ farmers on how to best manage harvesting corn stover/wheat straw. Big challenge, scaling biomass logistics #WBMUSA13
Abengoa: We’ve seen greater improvement in biomass yield, cost of enzymes going down. We’ll be producing $2/gal ethanol next year #WBMUSA13
Doron Falbish of Kaiima on castor #wbmusa13
Kaiima is an Israel-based seed and breeding tech company. Has dramatically increased crop productivity by multiplying plant genome #WBMUSA13
Kaiima’s “Enhanced Ploidy” non-GMO tech enables boost of productivity and resource usage efficiency of selected plants #WBMUSA13
Kaiima: We picked castor because it can be used as energy crop, can be grown like cotton, it’s non-food feedstock, high-oil #WBMUSA13
Kaiima: Castor is a very short-cyle crops (full yield 110-140 days). Working to make it a 90-day crop. It has moderate water use. #WBMUSA13
Kaiima: Castor challenges, expensive ($1100-1900/MT), highly viscous oil, toxic (req. segregate from food crops), meal not 4 feed #WBMUSA13
Kaiima: We need to build a value supply chain, hope to increase oil yield (60%), introduce non-irrigated varieties #WBMUSA13
Kaiima: We need a fully mechanized energy crop for castor. Currently harvested manually in India #WBMUSA13
Will jump to Track 2: Conversion and Processes. Companies presenting include Clariant, Borregaard, CRI Catalyst, American Process #WBMUSA13
Somebody dropped a stack of business cards? Go to Track 2 and the chairperson Michael Hart of Sierra Energy has them #WBMUSA13
Martin Mitchell of Clariant on their Sunliquid and Liquebeet tech #wbmusa13
Clariant’s Liquebeet fermentation substrate (using their own enzymes) intended for licensing. Test samples available upon request #WBMUSA13
Clariant Sunliquid tech used in cellulosic etoh demo plant w/ 335,00 gal/year output which started last year July #WBMUSA13
Clariant’s sunliquid is a platform of producing cellulosic sugar. Validation of demo plant ongoing. Tech package ready by year-end #WBMUSA13
More on Clariant Sunliquid tech in this link: t.co/lhtvnuStP9 #WBMUSA13
Speaking now is Gisle Johansen of Borregaard on biorefinery approach to producing biofuel/chems #WBMUSA13 t.co/MfZPMGY7mo
Borregaard claims to be the only biomass-based vanillin producer in the world using their biorefinery process #WBMUSA13
Borregaard been producing cellulosic etoh since 1938 from spruce hermicelluloses. Demo plant fully commissioned Jan 2013 #WBMUSA13
Borregaard has processed around 300 mt/day biomass from bagasse, eucalyptus, spruce on demo facility #WBMUSA13
Borregaard is one of the largest lignin player worldwide, processes about 500,000 MTY on dry basis #WBMUSA13
Borregaard BALI demo pretreatment step makes lignin water-soluble. Value of lignin as chems could lower cellulosic etoh price #WBMUSA13
Borregaard evaluating global presence – USA, Brazil or Southeast Asia probable. Decision for commercial scale by Q3/4 2014 #WBMUSA13
Speaking is Alan Del Paggio of CRI Catalyst on IH(2) Tech Biomass Direct to Hydrocarbon Fuels #WBMUSA13 t.co/TLrX8S6EOJ
CRI: More on IH2 tech t.co/UgQuaGuD2t #WBMUSA13
Last speaker is from American Process Inc. on cellulosic sugars #WBMUSA13 t.co/OmiaALcNpg
Thrilled to be speaking in behalf of American Process at #wbmusa13 Sugar is the new crude. #viaUberSocial
API: GreenPower+ tech- converting hemicellulose sugar to biofuel. AVAP tech – full fractionation of biomass to produce sugars #WBMUSA13
API: Alpena biorefinery converts 7000 tpy hemicelluloses to cellulosic sugars and acetic acid #WBMUSA13
API began shipping cellulosic etoh last month from Alpena biorefinery #WBMUSA13
API: AVAP Tech, cellulose and hemicellulose are converted into sugars, lignin is burned for energy. #WBMUSA13
API: Demonstrating AVAP integrated demo plant in Georgia, startup in Q2 2013. Converts various biomass to 2000 tpy sugars #WBMUSA13
API: Looking to implement first commercial facility. Sold first license on AVAP tech, expected to commercialize in 2016 #WBMUSA13
API: We just have to keep going, we need to collaborate with the right partners to go through challenges #WBMUSA13
Conference for the day is finished. Will try as much as i can to tweet tomorrow as I chair the Bio-Materials session #WBMUSA13