Ecochem 2013: Day 3
Day 3 Twitter Coverage of Ecochem conference held in Basel, Switzerland, on November 19-21, 2013
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Home of Europe’s First International Conference & Exhibition on Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, held in Basel, Switzerland, 19-21 No… -
Feeling under the weather 🙁 and I’m moderating this afternoon. Thanks to Jack Grushcow of Linnaeus Plant Sciences for meds 🙂 #Ecochem
Coverage of morning presentations from BioAmber, Amyris and Anellotech.
Stream 4 w/ presentations from @BioAmber @Amyris and Anellotech. Speaking is BioAmber’s Babette Pettersen #Ecochem
Interesting (but should be exception to the rule) “@DGreenblogger: @BioAmber: Not all apps for SA need to have better performance. #Ecochem”
@Amyris: Screening strains to determine how it will work in their Brotas, Brazil, plant #Ecochem
Speaking now is David Sudosky, president and CEO of Anellotech #Ecochem
Sorry, this was not David Sudolsky but Anatoly Garelik, Anellotech's business manager, who is responsible for strategic planning, financial analysis and information technology
Anellotech: Key cost driver for bio-BTX: low cost feedstock, one chem reactor, mini low cost inputs, industry chem separations #Ecochem
Anellotech: Goal is to get down to $500/ton for Bio-BTX #Ecochem
Anellotech: Green benzene has a lot more entry points in the mkt compared to PX.. e.g. nylon, ABS, PUs…#Ecochem
Anellotech: June 2013 scale-up status: 1 L BTX sample shipped to partner #Ecochem
Afternoon session: Moderating Stream 3: International Perspectives with presentations from Solvay, McKinsey & Company, Scottish Enterprise, Corinne Young LLC, and CSIRO.
@DGreenblogger very much enjoying your coverage of #Ecochem. Seen Scotland’s #ibplan yet?
@ScotDevInt Thanks! Yes, I am actually moderating the International Perspectives session and looking fwd to @scotent presentation #Ecochem
Moderating Stream 3: International Perspectives. Speaking now is Thibaud Caulier, sr biz devt mgr, Solvay #Ecochem
Caroline Strain in the spotlight for Scotland’s #ibplan at @EcoChemex stand B17 – . Read it:
@SolvayGroup talking about its Epicerol tech – glycerol to epichlorohydrin tech #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup has a 100 ktpa bio-ECH capacity in Thailand. Currently building another 100 ktpa in China #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup: China accounts for more than 90% of epoxy resins market #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup is not integrated into epoxy production. Company considered it a competitive advantage. #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup Epicerol is not just about bio-based but about clean technology. It does not use chlorine compared to PP-based ECH #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup Petro-based ECH is very water-consuming, chlorine-consuming. #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup talking about the LCA of their Epicerol tech. #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup is doing the LCA for their Epicerol to collect data for their customers. #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup AkzoNobel’s epoxy resins customers buy the bio-ECH, and AkzoNobel buy it for its coatings/resins #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup now talking about derivatized guar that are used in personal care, agrochemicals, oil/gas industry #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup has decided to increase capacity in China for derivatized guar #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup looking to develop bio-based surfactants using glycerol as building block + fatty alcohol #Ecochem
@SolvayGroup also trying to develop sugar-based furanics #Ecochem
Now speaking is Sam Samdani, sr. industry knowledge expert, McKinsey & Company #Ecochem
Speaking now, Caroline Strain, head of chemical sciences at Scottish Enterprise on investments in Scotland #Ecochem
2014 will be BIG for Scotland. A stirring vid from @VisitScotland all about it: . Get involved:
Carolin Strain, Scottish Enterprise at Ecochem 2013
Celtic Renewables produce sustainable butanol from a by-product of whisky distillation. All part of the #ibplan
@DGreenblogger You’ve been quoted in my #Storify story “Sustainable Manufacturing in Scotland ”
Speaking now is Corinne Young, CEO of Corinne Young LLC on US perspectives #Ecochem
Corinne Young talking about Renewable Chemicals Alliance in the US. #Ecochem
Corinne Young: We have to deconstruct the complexities of the renewable chemicals space to persuade regulators #Ecochem
@DGreenblogger Deconstruct the complexities? That’s where communications comes in
Corinne Young: We are getting smarter in persuading regulators on the impact of green chemistry on jobs and economic devt #Ecochem
Corinne Young: It’s not about green, not about regulating TSCA, it’s about jobs, innovation #Ecochem
Corinne cites Elevance’s launch of Renewicals. It’s to persuade consumers and regulators about the benefits of renewable chems #Ecochem
Corinne: We have to reposition the discussion from emerging green science to the industry being an economic powerhouse #Ecochem
Corinne Young talking about non-bipartisan legislation in Farm Bill for federal incentives in investing in renewable chemicals #Ecochem
Corinne Young: TSCA is a big opportunity for renewable chems #Ecochem
By the way, I’m glad to hear that US federal legislations are being introduced to help renewable chem investments #Ecochem
Now speaking is Dilip Manuel of CSIRO on sustainable manufacturing strategy in Australia #Ecochem
CSIRO looking at feedstocks, technology in Australia for renewable chemicals industry #Ecochem
CSIRO talking about biodegradable polymers opportunity. Companies include Plantic, Cardia…#Ecochem
CSIRO: Australia looking at zero-waste powder coating, biopolymers, emission control catalysis as innovative opportunities #Ecochem
CSIRO: Australia looking at opportunities in light weight applications #Ecochem
Coverage of Ann Wallin on presentations from McKinsey, Paul Anastas, John Warner, NSF Workshop
build bal. portfolio; understand feedstock dynamic; ensure solid biz case; prefer process w/ strg sustain. profile; est winning partnerships
Prof. Paul Anastas, 1 of the Fathers of #GreenChemistry speaking at #Ecochem now #innovation #strategysummit
listening to Paul Anastas of @YaleGCGE at #EcoChem on insights from Lincoln and JFK as inspriations for #greenchemistry
Paul Anastas @YaleGCGE need to not only do the right thing, but need to do it the right way. #Ecochem #greenchemistry
innovation is like pedalling a bike uphill- if you don’t keep pedling you go downhill. Paul Anastas @YaleGCGE #Ecochem #greenchemistry
instead of what you can’t do, #greenchemistry is about what you can/should do. drive innovation & tap creativity. @YaleGCGE #Ecochem
@DowChemical thanks- it was a great dialogue and energetic group at #ecochem
Paul Anastas- integrating systems thinking into innovation & basic research #Ecochem #Ecochemex @YaleGCGE
Anastas-too many companies still view sustainability as what not to do instead of inspiring what they should do #ecochem #greenchemistry
Focus on directionality so your “leapfrog jumps” improve #sustainability. Anastas #Ecochemex #ecochem @YaleGCGE
Combine #greenchemistry and market forces to put us on a sustainable trajectory-Anastas #Ecochemex @YaleGCGE
…Applaud every step taken in the right direction. Paul Anastas #Ecochemex @YaleGCGE
@JohnWarnerOrg Elements of Innovation: all innovations begin w/ science fiction. imagine what “can’t be done” to drive innovation. #Ecochem
@JohnWarnerOrg Elements of Innovation: innovation happens not w/in field of focus but in periphery #greenchemistry #Ecochem
@JohnWarnerOrg Elem. of innova.: encyclopedic knowledge inhibits innovation in absence of inntuitive knowledge (don’t “worship” precedence)
@JohnWarnerOrg Elem. of Innovation: ability to innovate is simlutaneously proposrtional to wisdom & tolerance of intellectual risk #Ecochem
@JohnWarnerOrg Elements of Innovation: innovation is orthogonal to complexity #Ecochem #greenchemistry
heard at #Ecochem eco-efficiency: doing things right; eco-effective: doing the right things
@Nike north stars: infinitely available materials; infinitely recyclable; greening the core #Ecochem #greenchemistry
@ACSGCI @DJC_Constable going thru periodic table for abundance & scarcity. Look @ matl flows not only for rare earths but also P #ecochem
NSF Workshop: sustainability research & education is multi-disciplinary & collaborative @ACSGCI @DJC_Constable #Ecichemex
important to find the right metrics (or you answer he wrong question) @ACSGCI @DJC_Constable #Ecochemex
DeCoo dyes fabrics in supercritical fluid; slashes water footprint. great opportunity for innovation of new dyes #greenchemistry #Ecochemex
Royal Society of Chemistry integrating sustainable energy opp across researchers, policymakers, edcuators to advance field #Ecochemex
Twitter peeks on presentations from other streams and activities on the exhibition floor…
This morning at #Ecochem in Room:Karo there is a Breakthrough workshop @radiantclarity with @BartSayle #innovation #strategysummit
Tomi Nyman from @Nestle Oil discussing: Building a world leading renewable fuels business – & beyond in Boston 2-3 #Ecochem #GreenChemistry
Good chemistry lesson from @BraskemSA #Ecochem – bioplastic process vs fossil-based plastics process. Thx Roberto!
Our CEO @kathrynsheridan is moderating again this afternoon at #Ecochem. ARD, Arkema, Nova Pangea and AVA-CO2
Nova Pangea process can compete with oil, Barry Hedley, company Chairman tells #Ecochem. Process targets biomass waste
Sean Sutcliffe from @GreenBioLtd up next at #Ecochem
Fredic Petit Director of #Sustainability @DSM Discussing the work of CEN TC411 on standardisation of #biobased products. #Ecochem
Michael Carus, Nova-Institut GmbH
Explaining the pros and cons of first generation feedstock in the #bioeconomy. #Ecochem -
I moderated a day and a half but @biobasedchem Adrian Higson apparently did all three days #toomuch #Ecochem
Hi @kathrynsheridan still going! but great speakers make moderating fun, well done @EcoChemex! Safe journey home everybody. #Ecochem
@biobasedchem @EcoChemex I’m still at it too, totally agree, great speakers, great conference. Honoured to have been a part of it!
Good to see some big companies at #EcoChem– Nike, BP, Coca-Cola, Nestle. Shows #greenchem & #sustainability are being taken seriously
We had a great time at #Ecochem. So many #sustainable ideas, the #ibplan & making contacts for the future. What were your highlights?
What PR professionals really spend their time doing @joostdubois @EcoChemex
@marcellubben @kathrynsheridan @EcoChemex; try again – look & see I was actually taking a picture of @DGreenblogger!
@DGreenblogger @joostdubois @marcellubben @EcoChemex Better watch out Doris! Hope you are feeling better!
@kathrynsheridan @biobasedchem @EcoChemex A pleasure meeting everybody and being part of the conference. Safe travels to everybody #Ecochem
@kathrynsheridan @DGreenblogger @joostdubois @marcellubben honoured to be mentioned in the same tweet as you guys.
See the lovely @kathrynsheridan talking to Andy Shafer from Elevance Renewable Sciences, Inc. at #Ecochem
Andy Shafer, VP Sales & Market Development, Elevance at Ecochem 2013