News Roundup
Weekly News Roundup
So many news, so little time…. Dow, Mitsui secures JV approval Dow Chemical and Mitsui & Co. have completed the formation of its previously announced 50:50 JV in Brazil. The JV will operate a sugarcane plantation, build a 63m gal/year…
Weekly News Roundup
Here are this week’s news roundup. Sorry for the delay as I got by distracted by the arrival of one of the worst hurricanes in the history of New York City. Our neighborhood was ok, thank goodness, but some of…
Weekly News Roundup
My apologies for the delay in this post. I had to do several phone calls throughout the day today and yesterday. My twittering and Facebook addiction also got the best of me lately ;-). Here are this week’s news roundup:…
Weekly News Roundup
I’m beginning to hate school…Good thing I still have this blog so I can vent my school frustration in a productive way. Here are this week’s news roundup: Biosuccinium in solvents Bio-succinic acid producer Reverdia has collaborated with Belgium-based fine…
Weekly News Roundup
Second exam coming up next week! My other half is looking at me with evil eye as I type this post. By the way, thanks for the well-wishes on the blog’s first monthsary (or is it monthsiversary?? — these made-up…
Weekly news roundup
Sorry for this late post…I’m currently on vacation where I’m not supposed to touch a laptop. Nobody said anything about an Ipad ha! Here are this week’s news roundup. By the way, guess where I am this week? ð Renmatix…
Weekly News Roundup
So many news, so little time. I’m still working on an oleochemical post and in the meantime, something is brewing in the cleaning products market that needs to be investigated. Stay tune! In the meantime, here are this week’s news…